Tip of the day: Remember where you parked your car when you go to the mall. Especially when you are there all day and have your arms full of shopping bags. And a big purple sled for your niece. And an iced coffee from Panera. This was me today at the Rivertown mall parking lot. I was walking around like a fool in the parking lot with all of this stuff trying to toot my horn by pushing the "lock" button on my key chain. I kept pushing and pushing but no toot. The bell ringer outside of Sears must have thought I was crazy. It took me 20 minutes to realize that I had parked in the upper lot. I felt like I was losing my mind! How embarrassing.
Happens to me all the time. The last time was at a Doctor complex, where there were 5 floors of parking in a square block. I came out a different door and walked around for 45 minutes. I nearly lost my mind or called the police to help me....
Heard the story...started laughing when I saw the title and picture. I envisioned you pulling your sled up and down the rows of cars.
Been there , done that. It does frustrate the living daylights out of you.
There are days when I can't find my way out of a paper bag. Tip #2: If you ever park in one of those parking garages in middle of downtown Chicago, remember - they all look alike. Enough said.
oh Bren, I love that you posted a blog about this. Macey better appreciate that purple sled! I still laugh pretty hard about it all....now it's going to happen to me with two girls and lots of shopping bags, just wait.
I am still laughing about this....
brenda, I am laughing out loud..you crack me up..i love that you were trying to get your car to 'toot;..he,he,he
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