Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Magglio in town

I didn't hesitate long when I heard that Magglio Ordonez was going to be playing for the West Michigan White Caps on monday. The gates were opening at 3:30 already. We left as soon as I got out of work and made it there by 6:00. It was a perfect night for a baseball game. Cousin Dan and Dustin (one of Keith employees) came along. We had pretty good seats and were able to see Magglio up close! He was signing autographs for a minutes but there was no way I could get down there quick enough. We saw the Burgess (mom and dad) clan in the stands with Lisa and Tony. Tony was even chosen to go down on the field to play a game between innings :) Magglio had a few infield hits (I was hoping for a home run) and the crowd got excited anytime he was on the field. Over 10,000 people there last night. Lots of fun.


Jenny said...

I'm glad you got a picture of Tony! Surprised you had a blog up already, thought you would have had a late night!

VandenBerg Family said...

I thought the picture of Magglio was one you got off the internet!...funny that you saw the Burgess clan there!!!

Brenda Lee said...

I have more pictures of Tony and a video of him spinning around that bat too! He was a pretty good one. I think he won something. Not sure what though.