Friday, June 27, 2008

beach day

I had the day off from work today since there are a couple of doctors out of the office on vacation. It was kind of nice having a day with no agenda. I went and checked out Old Navy this morning (not much there). Came home and mowed the yard. Then I drove out to Laketown beach ( I thought about riding my bike out there....) It is just as quick to get to Laketown beach as it is the State Park from our house. I like Laketown beach because it is much more private (there were only 3 other people when I get there) and it's free! Be ready for a good workout though...those stairs are killer! The water was perfect and I even went under. I was finally able to finish My Sister's Keeper. Seems like I have been reading it forever. Very good book. This was the first Jodi Picoult book I have read but I think I will try another. It was kind of hazy the whole time so I didn't think I was getting too much sun. I am so red now and look pretty silly. I felt like ice cream so I stopped at Frosty's (cupcake swirl flurry) which was my lunch :) I needed to go to Meijers for a few things and let Dolly ride along. We had brats on the grill and ate outside for supper. I made guacamole dip (thanks for the recipe Aunt Jean!) to take along to Pam's (Keith's sister) tomorrow. We plan to leave around 9:00. "As per normal" (saying of Aunt Carol) Keith and I are watching the Tigers. They sure have been on a roll!


Carol Sue said...

Thanks to be "quoted" on your blog. I am honored. "as per normal"....the Tigers won again today. GO TIGERS.
I am sooooooo glad that you finished "MY Sister's Keeper". I gave that book to Jean about 4 years ago and she still has not read it. She will find that if she reads it, she will really enjoy it.
I just spent about 4 hours on the phone with my sis Jean, it was a great conversation, we covered alot of subjects and spent about 90 minutes on the the topic of my friend Val and her daughter who are in Ireland...suffice to say, the story deserves a blog by itself...

Carol Sue said...

Have great fun on the east side of the state over the weekend

VandenBerg Family said...

Yes...have a nice time today! It's always nice to have a random day off. You really took advantage of it. I just woke up...I'm remembering my dreams from the night. You were in one. Funny!