Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Treasures from Texas

Our friend Ernie recently returned from Texas ( remember the Tiger "blanket"). She is always leaving random gifts on our front stoop. This is what I found today when I got home from work... The middle hat (fitted) is too small for Keith. Anyone out there who has a small's yours! And unfortunately the fancy cowbay hat ( it has a lot of rhinestones on top) is way too small for my big head so that is up for the taking too (Macey? With the cowboy boots it would be quite the look). Keith didn't realize the peppers were going to be SO HOT. He popped a few in his mouth and was then "screaming" for help. Drank a lot of mlik...
And apparently this Tequila is different that the El Torro that you can buy at the store. Who wants to come over for some Margaritas this weekend? :)


VandenBerg Family said...

Okay, this is hilarious! If nobody else claims the middle tigers hat it might work for Bennett :). Sorry about Keith eating the hot peppers! That would hurt!

Rachel Nykerk said...

I think the cowboy hat with rhinestones would look good on Dolly !