Tuesday, November 4, 2008

get out and do it

Hope that everyone who is able gets out to vote today!!!!!! Keith and I went before work this morning and got there just before the polls opened. There were about 30 people in front of us and the line moved quick. We were out before 7:30 so had time to get breakfast at Remember When. I had pumpkin pie pancakes. Yum! Awesome weather isn't it???


Carol Sue said...

Way to go Brenda and Keith. By all news accounts they say this will be the biggest voter turnout in 100 years. History will be made and we are alive to be a part of it!!!! We are all Democrat out here in Oregon, so it looks like OBAMA is a shoo-in for our great State. I am worried about the rest of the states who are not quite as HIP as we are. :)
Please go read my updated blog that Sheba wrote a bit ago...Pay close attention to the last sentence!!!!

Rachel Nykerk said...

I voted , I did an absentee ballot before I left for vacation.

Rachel Nykerk said...

I voted , I did an absentee ballot before I left for vacation.

VandenBerg Family said...



I'm also here in liberal Oregon and I voted, too. However, I'm a moderate and not a liberal.